Gina Angela Mason

Gina Angela Mason
My Soulmate

Monday, October 26, 2009

Cancer Treatment Centers of America

Monday, October 26th, 2009 Visit to Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA)

  • Sunday 10/25/09 we drove up to Zion, IL for a visit to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (or CTCA) to see if we could get some help with Gina's cancer treatment.
  • The CTCA uses both traditional and innovative approaches to cancer treatment by treating the whole person - not just the disease.
  • Try clicking on link above to learn more about the CTCA. Today (MON) we had 1st visit, met staff, spoke to nurses and doctor and ended day with MUGA (heart) scan.
  • We will keep you posted as week goes on. Busy schedule for tomorrow, Tuesday 10/27/09. Gina meets with nutritionist, naturopathy dept., and had MRI, CT scans of chest, abdomen and pelvis and a bone scan - all ending around 9pm.
  • We meet with nurses and oncologist on WED at 2pm to see what plans they have for Gina's treatments.

Added CTCA updates:

  • Gina had CT scans of chest, abdomen, pelvis and MRI of brain as well as a bone scan. All tests showed Ginas tumors were stable or smaller according to the reports. follow up in January with CTCA.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Updates for October 4th, 2009


  • Gina had her third round of the Avastin and Herceptin chemo last Thursday
  • Still having pain in rt leg and using crutches to get around but spirits are up and hair coming back.
  • Gina trying to work on tremors taking the max of meds for the tremors but not as effective as you would think but Gina wants to continue taking them.
  • Going to see Dr Nicholas on October 16 and Dr Jimenez on October 6.
  • Still trying to get the swelling in brain down but hoping Avastin will continue to help with more treatments.
  • Gina's voice seems better but sounds weak as she has been getting really tired with the tremor meds and all the rest too!
  • We will keep you posted and keep the prayers coming.
Thanks to all of you.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dr Sipahi Visit

Results on 09/03/2009

  • Gina met w/ Dr Sipahi today and went over her MRI and CT scans from Tuesday 09/01/09
  • The good news was that the liver and both lungs decreased in size (Yeah!)
  • The bad news was the MRI showed no change or stable in mid-brain region BUT increase in size in rear, left brain area and swelling observed (Boo!)
  • Gina stopped taking the Ixempra since it was tearing her up so bad and we do not think she would have been physically or emotionaly been able to do an third treatment of the Ixempra chemotherapy.
  • Dr Sipahi switched Gina from Ixempra to Avastin (breaks blood/brain barrier) and restricts blood flow to tumor cells thus causing it to stop growing. Avastin may block the tumor's ability to communicate with nearby blood vessels and may prevent the tumor from connecting to the blood supply.
  • Avastin is the one chemo that Dr Nicholas, neuro-oncologist from the University of Chicago Medical Center, recommended. Dr Nicholas said Avastin should help with tremors Gina has been having and help to reduce the swelling in the brain.
  • Avastin is given by IV every two weeks - 90 mins 1st dose, 60mins 2nd dose, 30 mins each dose after I believe is how it works.
  • Dr Sipahi also stopped the Herecptin (Gina has been on for a long time) and switched her back to the Tykerb (An oral chemotherapy drug). Tykerb also breaks through the blood/brain barrier.
  • Gina was also given Procrit by Dr Sipahi - for low red blood cell count.
  • We are off to see Dr Nicholas at UCMC tomorrow at 0900 HRS so I will let you know what happens when I can

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Information

08/25/2009 - New Information on Progress

  • Gina saw Dr Sipahi again last Thursday for the second round of Ixempra chemotherapy.
  • To be honest with you, this chemo is very, VERY strong and makes Gina very weak, tired and nauseous. We are supposed to do three cycles but not thinking we can.
  • We tried it since it was supposed to help with the kidney tumors but we do not see or think it is working like it should. Scans are coming up again to see where we are with everything.
  • Gina wants to go ahead and try the Avastin chemotherapy since it is said to break through the blood-brain barrier and may help with the tremors she has been having. We are not sure what we will do next to try and get rid of that kidney tumor that has been causing so much problems. Maybe embolism - cauterizing the main blood flow to the kidney to essentially 'starve' it and without the blood flowing, kill the tumor cells.
  • More later when it comes so thanks for everything you keep doing for us.
  • A little late, but whoever sent the anonymous gift card for gas and groceries - we humbly thank you and your families.
Jesse (oldest boy) and his wife Kayla, just brought their first little bundle of joy into this world this morning at 1203am, Tuesday, August 25th, 2009. Her name is Elizabeth Rae Denault and she weighs in at 6lbs, 3oz and was 20 inches long! WE ARE OFFICIALLY GRANDPARENTS!

GOD Bless to all and thanks for the support!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dr Sipahi Visit for Chemo Round #2

Updates as of 08/15/2009

  • Gina saw Dr Sipahi for second round of chemotherapy (Ixempra) this last Thursday.
  • Dr Sipahi also gave her Zometa for the bones and said will schedule scans in September to see how the new chemo is doing
  • The new chemo is VERY STRONG and seems to wipe all energy from Gina's body 8(
  • After her visit to Dr Sipahi, Dr Nicholas from UCMC called and said he had been out of office but just talked to Dr Sipahi and came up with a game plan
  • They had talked and decided that Avastin would be an excellent chemo to give to Gina as it also helps with swelling in the brain and I believe breaks the blood-brain barrier.
  • However, since Gina is still having some bleeding problems suspected to be from the tumor in the kidney, they are going to keep going with the Ixempra to see if it works on kidney.
  • Dr Nicholas also said him and Dr Sipahi discussed radiation to kidney. Gina is against any more radiation since she has already had it done numerous times to: both lungs, brain, upper back, and leg.
  • More later after this coming Thursday, when Gina goes to Dr Sipahi again for Herceptin treatment (been three weeks already?)
  • The steroid (decadron) was reduced to 1/2 mg (YAY!) but we are hoping to get completely off so we can try that trial in Indy (or wherever else they have it)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Trip To Indy on 08/05/2009

We went to University of Indiana today and spoke to fabulous doctor Kathleen Miller

  • Gina unfortunately does not qualify for the new Herceptin Clinical Trial because she is still on Decadron (steroid that helps with brain swelling from radiation and tumors in brain)
  • It was disappointing for us both but Dr Miller explained the clinical trial is very specific in who qualifies for it
  • One criteria is no chemo for 20 days and another was no radiation or brain issues (steroids or changes to brain tumors) within last 60 days
  • Dr Miller and her staff were AWESOME - bedside manner, personality and obviously very knowledgeable in Oncology (kinda reminded us of Dr Kelly Nicholas in Chicago)
  • Dr Miller agreed with keeping Gina on new chemotherapy (Ixempra) for another cycle and then do scans to see if it is working (next Thursday is cycle #2)
  • A suggestion was to try new chemotherapy called Doxil which is basically a form of chemotherapy that actually is one of the few that attacks cancer all over the body INCLUDING breaking the blood-brain barrier and getting into the brain to treat those tumors. It sounded very promising as it is structured in a way that it the coating allows DOXIL to evade detection and destruction by the immune system, which increases the time the drug is in the body. The majority of the drug stays inside the liposome while in the blood (at least 90%). Therefore, DOXIL has more time to reach the tumor tissue, where the medication slowly leaks out.
  • Keeping our fingers crossed that the brain is getting better and we may be able to start the clinical trial at a later date (or that the new chemo now, Ixemra, does it's job and kills those cancer cells!
  • University of Indiana was a very impressive facility from the staff working inside, to the building itself (calming, structured and efficient)
More later on where we are at after consulting Dr. Sipahi, Dr. Olopade, and Dr. Nicholas.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dr Nicholas Visit at UCMC

07/24/2009: trip to University of Chicago medical center to see Dr. Nicholas (neuro-oncologist)

  • We saw Dr Nicholas yesterday for follow-up since last brain treatments (the gamma-knife to rear of brain and the IMRT radiation to the mid-brain area).
  • Dr. Kelly Nicholas was amazing (as usual) and provided us with promising and insightful ideas
  • Dr. Nicholas suggested we try Avastin which one of the few FDA approved chemo therapies that breaks the blood/brain barrier. It was explained that since the brain is such a complex and highly evolved organ that very few things an pass the blood/brain barrier and target the brain specifically.
  • Dr. Nicholas also told us that the Avastin would also be able to help with all the radiation done to Gina's brain and aid in healing/swelling.
  • Dr. Nicholas and a colleague both examined Gina to see what they could to do to help with the head tremors. They decided the current medication she takes for it should be increased slightly as it seemed to help at initial dosage. The good news is that Gina seemed pleased and/or relieved (like the rest of us) after seeing Dr. Nicholas.
  • Dr. Nicholas had spoke with Dr. Olopade about the Herceptin trial in Indianapolis and said they were very good doctors there and would give us straight answers about questions or concerns we have about the trial.(Gina would have to stop all chemo/radiation for around 3-6 weeks before doing the trial so we are undecided what to do until August 5th, 2009 when we go to Indianapolis for the clinical trial consultation.
  • Dr. Nicholas also spoke to Dr. Sipahi and is keeping in touch with him and even did some research on the new chemotherapy Gina started yesterday called Ixempra. the Ixempra seems to be very strong so far to Gina and is supposed to help with all metastatic breast cancer in the body, including the kidney that has the tumor that had grown significantly. Gina is scheduled to take the Ixempra every three weeks by IV.
  • Gina will have Herceptin next week with Dr. Sipahi and his wonderful staff.
Keep you posted on the clinical trial coming up in August and other appointments.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Radiation Over

07/19/2009 Updates and News

  • Radiation to both lungs and the liver are finished. Special Thanks to UCMC and Dr Salama and his staff for their work. Follow-up in two months to see what progress was made. The radiation still continues to work after the radiation is done being given.
  • We see Dr. Nicholas (neurology oncologist) at UCMC this Friday (07/24/09) to figure out what is going on since IMRT radiation to mid-brain and the Gamma-knife surgery to spot on rear of brain. Gina's been having speech issues, problems with her vision, and "tremors" (what we refer to when her head shakes back and forth continuously). Hopefully good news is coming and solutions to tremors, speech and vision.
  • Gina saw Dr Byhani later referred to him by Dr Sipahi for pains in her right side. The results were very good to hear - no problems with urethra, or bladder. Issued with side pains may be caused from kidney tumor.
  • Bad News - Kidney tumor has "grown significantly" and waiting to see what we need to do to fix that and what our options are. KEEP FINGERS CROSSED AND PRAYERS COMING.
  • We also go to Indianapolis, Indiana for a consultation on August 5th, 2009. There is a new Herecptin and chemotherapy combination trial going on nationwide and Gina seems to be a good candidate for this new treatment. It sounds like it is a stronger type of Herceptin BUT has chemotherapy attached to it. Was explained the new treatment is the car, the Herceptin is the driver of the car, and the chemotherapy attached is the passengers. When the car gets to the tumor cells, the Herceptin drives into the cell and the chemotherapy "passengers" then get out of the car and attack the tumors right on the spot. A lot more advanced and faster than traditional methods used. We will keep you posted as we know more. The clinic tells us if we can start, when we can start and all the other details.
A special thanks to David, Renee and their family for their generosity. It is so hard for us to be humble and accept anything from our friends but wanted all to know that we appreciate all the prayers, thoughts and acts of kindness that are given to us throughout this struggle. GOD is truly an amazing 'person' who seems to put the right people in your path in life when you need them most. We LOVE and thank you all for your support. GOD BLESS! 8)

-- Bob, Gina and Family

Monday, June 29, 2009

New Surgeries at University of Chicago

MON 06/29/2009

hello to all. we have started new radio-static surgery to both lungs and the liver. radio-static surgery is similar to the gamma-knife surgery gina had before. gina had a mold made of her body and she lays in there while the doctors and physicists perform the radiation treatments to specific areas in her lungs and liver. i have provided a short list of ginas schedules and we already are on our second treatment of six as i type this. keep us in your prayers as gina said this is the hardest and MOST PAINFUL of all treatments so far. i am praying for GOD to guide the surgeons careful hands and give gina the strength and courage to fight (and also the humility to know she has to rest). love you all - keep up those prayers and all the support.

schedule for radio-static surgeries at UCMC
  • THU 06/25 liver radiated

  • MON 06/29 both lungs radiated

  • TUE 06/30 liver

  • THU 07/02 lungs

  • MON 07/06 liver

  • TUE 07/07 lungs
WE WILL BE DONE ON TUESDAY JULY 7TH, 2009 AND CAN SAY GOOD-BYE TO THOSE THREE TUMORS 4EVER! the next step? We are looking into a new type of herceptin trial that we heard about going on Indiana and are considering doing this next to get rid of any other tumors in other parts of the body. If you don't remember, the Herceptin drug has been the one CONSTANT treatment and I think it is doing it's job. if you want to see how it works again then click here How herceptin Works. After watching the video just click your back button to return to this page. We will keep you posted and thanks again for all you guys do!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

News from the Masons


So we have some news for everyone....

  • Gina finished her last radiation to her leg yesterday and is also done with radiation to neck/back area. (Yeah!)
  • After talking to Dr Schwartz and Dr Olopade, we have been told there is a doctor friend/associate of Dr Schwartz at the University of Chicago Medical Center that may be able to help with liver and both lungs.
  • Gina and I met with Dr. Salama at UCMC on Friday, 06/05/09 for a consultation and were glad to hear that Gina can have surgery called radio-static surgery to lungs and liver that has @ 80% chance to get rid of these tumors.
  • I placed a link for radio-static surgery. In a nutshell, it is basically a very concentrated dose of radiation to specific location of body. The dose is calculated and very precise to give maximum results. There are possible side effects such as ulcers, pneumonia in lung(s) and a possible lung collapse. After talking to Dr Salama, he stated Gina has an air pocket in one of her lungs that the tumor is pressing against. This means, it is possible that the lung could collapse once that tumor is radiated and was compared to ripping a band aid off wound causing it to bleed. The doctor did say that he has done many, many of these procedures and UCMC has been performing them successfully sine 2004! amazing.
  • We went back to UCMC on Monday, 06/08/09 and Gina was marked and measured for surgery - she had tattoos marked for reference points instead of marker lines and said they really hurt. Gina will hopefully start the radiation (radio-static) in next couple of weeks. We have been told that Gina will probably have three doses to liver and five or six doses to lungs. More on this when we talk to doctor.
  • Other than that, Gina is doing well but very tired. Of course, it has been almost two years since treatments have begun so who wouldn't be tired?!?
Relay For Life of Kankakee County is this Saturday, June 14th and starts at 2pm. Please come and support Gina and her teams (The Dream Believers, dream Believer 2, and Dream Believer Kidz) as well as The American Cancer Society. See you there.

Monday, May 18, 2009

More News

MON 05/18/2009

  • Gina just had a bone scan done as she was having some pain in her leg and the results were not good - there now is cancer growth in neck and upper back areas and again in right leg.
  • We do not feel that the new chemotherapy (Gemzar) is doing anything positive for Gina so we will have to see what Dr Olopade decides to change to next on 05/27/09.
  • Dr Schwartz saw Gina today and decided she needs to have radiation to new areas (rt. leg, back and neck areas) and will be prepping for it tomorrow.
  • Dr Schwartz is the Radiologist that did both Gamma Knife surgeries and IMRT Radiation to brain.Dr Schwartz also setting up a visit to colleague he knows at University of Chicago Medical Center that can do radio static surgery (like gamma knife, but for organs) to Gina's liver as there is concern of tumor growth in that area as well.
  • Gina also having CT scans of chest, abdomen and pelvic areas tomorrow to see how she is responding to the Herceptin, Tykerb and Gemzar treatments.
  • There was some good news that her recent MRI scan showed the mid-brain tumor appears to continue to shrink and the one recently operated in rear of brain inactive and shrunk (possibly just scar tissue now)
will keep you all posted on latest news and thank you for your support. Keep those prayers coming!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Back To Dr Sipahi Today

05/07/09 updates

  • We went to see Dr Sipahi today and he thinks with Gina having double-vision again, slurred speech, and headaches in back of head we need to go back to Dex (Boo!)
  • Dr Sipahi also ordered a bonescan and MRI to make sure no new tumors or growth
  • Gina had Gemzar and an Iron Infusion today - Really makes her tired
  • This makes it the 5th of 6 Gemzar treatments then back top See Dr Olopade on May 27th.
  • Gina still having Herceptin every three weeks and Zometa
  • we will be making another appointment with Dr Nicholas at Univ Chicago also
Thanks for all the followers and, especially, for your PRAYERS and thoughtful words.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Much Needed Information

WED 04/15/2009

Sorry to all for being behind on the Posts. I wish I could say I have a reason for it, but, I know it is just an excuse either way I say it. I really want to keep everyone up to date with Gina so here is that long overdue information on her progress.

  • Gina had fallen a few weeks ago when the family dog accidentally got underneath her legs and tripped her which caused her to fall pretty hard and hurt her right leg to the point that we had to see a doctor. After an X-ray and scan showed a fracture to the same leg the rod was put into, we were told by two different doctors that it was an old fracture (possibly from the surgery when she had titanium rod put in leg). The pain was said to be from the impact of the fall. Anyway, Gina is doing better with that leg but still hurts her.
  • All went well with the second Gamma knife surgery to rear brain and the IMRT Radiation to mid-brain is supposed to have decreased in size according to the scans. The rest of tumors have remained the same except for the liver grew a little. With the brain treatments, we had to stop chemo since you cannot do both radiation and chemotherapy.
  • Gina's treatment has been up and down. We have switched the chemo after talking with Dr. Olopade to Gemzar (link on this page) and Herceptin and Tykerb (pill form). The Gemzar is taken once a week for three weeks then one week off. Gina will do this for two cycles then have scans to see if it is working on killing those cancer cells. Tomorrow, Thursday 04/16/09, is the last of the 1st cycle and Gina will get a little break for one week. This treatment of Gemzar has been really tough with all the side effects and VERY TIRING for her. It has been 18 months of treatments, surgeries and medications so it is no surprise that Gina's body is exhausted.
  • I hate to post this but if it will help Gina to rest I feel I have to do it. She has been very tired and not up to having company dropping by. We REALLY do appreciate the goodwill with meals being offered but we do not need them at this time. In fact, it helps Gina knowing she is able to cook for her family still. The one person that keeps us going is GOD and I thank him every day that I have with my family and know it his HIM that will make Gina cancer free. I just keep praying for the strength and courage until the day comes when Gina is CANCER FREE!


Monday, February 23, 2009

Almost There!

Updates from 02/23/2009
  • Gina saw Dr Schwartz today and he is working on getting a PET scan done (Reminder-a PET scan is scan of whole body from head to knees)
  • Some concerns with Gina's right leg, having pain from hip to knee (same leg that was radiated and operated on in Sept 2007)
  • Only FOUR more IMRT Radiations to brain (all done on Thursday) <>
  • Another Brain MRI to see how Gamma Knife surgery to rear brain and IMRT Radiation to mid-brain has worked (I know it had to attack & completely eliminate cancer)
  • Gina also sees Dr Jimenez on Thursday for follow-up to Gamma Knife
  • Also, Gina still continuing Chemotherapy every three weeks - consisting of Herceptin, Zometa and Iron Infusion
  • Tykerb (oral Chemotherapy) still taking daily

That's all for now but as you can see it is a lot on our plates.

Thanks for those who volunteered to bring or have brought meals but although we appreciate you all SO MUCH, making dinner is one thing that makes Gina feel like she is still needed and contributing to family. I also LOVE her cooking and think she is the best thing that happened to me!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Gamma Knife on 02/12/2009

Ravenswood Hospital Surgery

Gina and I went to The Neurologic & Orthopedic Hospital of Chicago (formerly Ravenswood) today for the Gamma Knife Radiosurgery

  • Arrived at 0545 am and checked in

  • Started prep for surgery at @ 0630 am

  • Dr Schwartz (Radiologist), Dr Jimenez (Neurologist), and Dr Mkrdichian (Nuerosurgeon) were present for surgery

  • Dr Jimenez attached the metal frame to Gina's head @ 0800 am - keeps her head from moving while the Gamma Knife procedure is performed (See photo above)

  • Gina spoke to Dr Schwartz and Dr Jimenez about procedure and then went for her MRI of the brain at @ 0930 am

  • The Gamma Knife Radiosurgery was done at @ 1100 am and took around five treatments
  • Surgery seemed to go well and I spoke to Dr Schwartz & Dr Jimenez who both said they felt everything went well and it was a difference between 'night & day' as compared to Gamma Knife done in Sept 2007 to mid-brain area
  • The frame was removed and then Gina had a good lunch, and the nurses checked her over and she seemed to be doing good
  • Gina & I went home after released from hospital and back into town around 4 pm
  • The staff were unbelievably AWESOME at Ravenswood - Thanks for all the extra attention and for your outstanding devotion to your work

Doctors orders are to REST, REST, and more REST to Gina. A follow-up with Dr Jimenez in few weeks and Gina continuing the IMRT to mid-brain in town with Dr Schwartz office.

THANKS TO ALL FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT! We owe a lot to all of you for keeping up with our progress and THANK G-O-D for all his healing touch to our beautiful Gina and especially for destroying the tumor in the back of brain today!

Keep you posted - check out links on page for updated info (including Gamma Knife procedure)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Update on Turn of Events

Dr Olopade Visit on 02/02/2009

  • We met with Dr Olopade today to discuss Gina's progress
  • Dr Olopade had already talked to Dr Nicholas last week and decided the Gamma-knife surgery and IMRT radiation to the brain are the main priorities now
  • In addition to the brain treatments, Dr Olopade advised we keep on the Herceptin every three weeks and start taking the oral chemo you may remember known as Tykerb
  • Gina was on Tykerb in late 2007 with the Herceptin when she first started treatment
  • Tykerb targets breast cancer cells that have too many HER2 receptors by going into the cell and blocking the HER2 pathways - helping to prevent cancer cells from growing, dividing, and surviving
  • Click here for a link to how Tykerb works:
  • After Gina is done with IMRT treatments (20-30 we have been told) and the Gamma-knife surgery, Dr Olopade is going to considering a new chemotherapy called Gemzar or Doxil in addition to the Herceptin

More later, just wanted to keep you all posted. Thanks for keeping up on us!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What A Day

WED 01/28/2009

What a day Gina had today! We started out at Dr Sipahi's office where he drew blood to check levels and they seemed better. Dr Sipahi then said:
  • Gina will keep getting Herceptin every three weeks along with Zometa (superglue for bones) and her Iron infusion while doing radiation.
  • Gina starts radiation (IMRT) to mid-brain area tomorrow to treat the tumor that had the Gamma-knife surgery on 09/2007
  • The radiation will be for five weeks, every day with weekends off and done at the Betty Bridgewater Cancer Treatment Center on RT 45.
  • There is another Gamma-knife scheduled for the new tumor that they believe is back of brain on THU 02/12/2009 with Dr Schwartz and Dr Jimenez doing procedure
  • Dr Sipahi, Sr Schwartz, Dr. Jimenz, are communicating with each other to get this under control

Gina and I also went to University of Chicago Medical Center to see Dr. Nicholas (he is the neuro-oncologist that we started on this whole journey with -Awesome and extremely intelligent individual). We went over the news of tumor growth and he said the following:

  • Dr Nicholas does think the new IMRT radiation and upcoming Gamma-knife procedure to the brain is a good plan.
  • After a series of simple tests, Dr Nicholas believes Gina is having her problems (runny nose, watery eyes, gaging feeling, double vision, etc) as a result of swelling in mid-brain and should be better after IMRT radiation.
  • Dr Nicholas is having a conference at UCMC and will be showing and discussing Gina's scans and notes with them (panel of other doctors and specialists)
  • Dr Nicholas is going to meet with Dr Olopade and go over everything, including his suggestion to try a new chemotherapy called Avastin (link on this page)

We see Dr Olopade this coming Monday, so we will keep you posted on the details and her thoughts and plans for Gina's Victory! Love all of you for standing by us through everything and I know GOD is up there watching over us with angels like all of you helping Gina get better. A SPECIAL THANKS to all the doctors and nurses that are treating Gina - GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Not what We Hoped For...

WED JAN 21st, 2009

Gina had her scans on this past Monday of the chest, abdomen, pelvis, and the brain. After meeting with Dr Sipahi this morning, she was told some bad news - the tumors have grown.
  • The brain now seems to have two tumors - the original one in center of brain is swollen and believed to be causing all of her vision problems, headaches, and slurred speech. This is the same tumor that she had the Gamma-Knife surgery on and controls the areas of brain that perform breathing, seeing, hearing, fine motor skills, etcetera. There is also another smaller tumor in the back of the brain that they are going to do Gamma-Knife surgery on. The original tumor is going to have radiation done, probably starting on Friday. They may have to do five or six weeks, daily, of radiation.
  • The lung scans showed two tumors in right lung that seem to be causing Gina to have shortness of breath - probably because it is putting pressure on the heart and taking up space in her lung that does not allow her to take a full breath of air. The left lung has a swollen lymph node (area that filters air). The plan is to start radiation to lungs as well.
  • The liver and kidney tumors did not appear to have grown any nor changed from last scans. THANK GOD.
  • Dr Sipahi only gave Gina Herceptin today since the Navelbine (new chemo) does not appear to be working well. Since she is starting the radiation, Gina will not be able to have chemotherapy at the same time. This is why they are doing radiation to the lungs also.

Gina also saw Dr. Schwartz who is the radiologist that worked with Dr. Jimenenz when Gina had Gamma-Knife to brain last time.

  • Both doctors (Schwartz & Sipahi) decided to put Gina back on the steroid, Dexamethasone, to bring down the swelling of the brain.
  • Gina will be marked tomorrow morning by Dr Schwartz here in town to prepare for radiation to swollen tumor area in the brain.
  • The brain is the MOST IMPORTANT area to get back under control so is priority #1 right now.

We are still going to see Dr .Olopade (primary Oncologist) on Feb 2nd, 2009 and Dr Nicholas (Neuro-Oncologist) this coming Wednesday. We will keep you posted so PLEASE pray for us!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Update Time


Updates from Gina's Progress

  • Dr. Sipahi on Wednesdays for chemotherapy - every week Gina gets Navelbine IV & Iron Infusion every third week Gina also gets Herceptin IV
  • Gina had Zometa dose again last week since her jaw pain was better (manageable)
  • Blood counts better lately (hopefully cause of the "licorice" Iron infusion
  • Scans scheduled from Dr Sipahi to check progress of new Navelbine/Herceptin combo
  • Feb 2nd we go to see Dr Olopade to see if we change the chemo regimen or keep it up
  • Jan 19th, 2009 (this Monday) Gina has a brain MRI
  • Jan 21st, 2009 (WED) Gina sees Dr Schwartz (did brain surgery) to go over MRI results

I will keep you all posted when I get more info! THANKS for all your SuPpOrT!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year Updates


Hello to all and Happy New Year from Gina & Family!
  • Gina has been doing the Navelbine chemotherapy every week on WED
  • The Navelbine is very strong it seems and seems to be extremely exhausting for her
  • On every 3rd week, Gina still has Herceptin done - in addition to the "preload" meds, and IRON infusion by IV (this is the long day usually starts at 0830 for blood work and then back at 0930 to see Dr Sipahi before starting chemotherapy which lasts until late afternoon.)
  • There seems to be some concerns about Gina having had a runny nose for over a year now and it is undetermined at this time what it is caused from. Note: No over counter or prescriptions have helped her much yet. )8
  • We are seeing Dr Sipahi again today at 1045 HRS then we will ask him about getting scans scheduled (MRI, CT or PET) to see what the progress is with new chemo regimen.
  • Gina has been having some pains in liver again and vision issues - we are going to get these scans done and go over them with Dr Schwartz (did brain operation) and then set up an appointment with Dr. Nicholas at UCMC.
  • We go see Dr. Olopade in Chicago on Feb 2nd for updates.

Thanks again to all of the loyal supporters and caring friends, family and other loved ones that have been praying and keeping in touch! It is amazing how healing it is to know there is such a large support group out there that extends so far out into the community. I THANK each and every one of you personally from the bottom of my heart. Keep up the smiles, prayers and faith - we WILL get through this.