Sorry to all for being behind on the Posts. I wish I could say I have a reason for it, but, I know it is just an excuse either way I say it. I really want to keep everyone up to date with Gina so here is that long overdue information on her progress.
- Gina had fallen a few weeks ago when the family dog accidentally got underneath her legs and tripped her which caused her to fall pretty hard and hurt her right leg to the point that we had to see a doctor. After an X-ray and scan showed a fracture to the same leg the rod was put into, we were told by two different doctors that it was an old fracture (possibly from the surgery when she had titanium rod put in leg). The pain was said to be from the impact of the fall. Anyway, Gina is doing better with that leg but still hurts her.
- All went well with the second Gamma knife surgery to rear brain and the IMRT Radiation to mid-brain is supposed to have decreased in size according to the scans. The rest of tumors have remained the same except for the liver grew a little. With the brain treatments, we had to stop chemo since you cannot do both radiation and chemotherapy.
- Gina's treatment has been up and down. We have switched the chemo after talking with Dr. Olopade to Gemzar (link on this page) and Herceptin and Tykerb (pill form). The Gemzar is taken once a week for three weeks then one week off. Gina will do this for two cycles then have scans to see if it is working on killing those cancer cells. Tomorrow, Thursday 04/16/09, is the last of the 1st cycle and Gina will get a little break for one week. This treatment of Gemzar has been really tough with all the side effects and VERY TIRING for her. It has been 18 months of treatments, surgeries and medications so it is no surprise that Gina's body is exhausted.
- I hate to post this but if it will help Gina to rest I feel I have to do it. She has been very tired and not up to having company dropping by. We REALLY do appreciate the goodwill with meals being offered but we do not need them at this time. In fact, it helps Gina knowing she is able to cook for her family still. The one person that keeps us going is GOD and I thank him every day that I have with my family and know it his HIM that will make Gina cancer free. I just keep praying for the strength and courage until the day comes when Gina is CANCER FREE!