Gina Angela Mason

Gina Angela Mason
My Soulmate

Monday, January 14, 2008

Post Surgery

Port Surgery @ Riverside Medical Center

  • Gina had her port put in by Dr Brockman this morning
  • Dr Brockman told me all seemed well with it (we even were ahead of schedule with surgery - around 9:10 am instead of scheduled 10:30 am)
  • The port will help to ease pain with Chemo Therapy IV injections
  • Gina also had the shot on Wednesday last week so, once gain, she is wearing her Superwoman cape and staying strong with a smile on her face against all the adversity she has been up against!
  • Doctors and nurses both stressed many time for Gina to rest, Rest, REst, RESt, REST!

Keep those prayer lines coming they are working and getting our Gina healthy and kicking that cancer in the A-@#! Thanks again for all your support and Love!!!


gina said...

Hi everyone,

Thank you for the e-mails, cards, and phone calls, yes I'm resting :)

Riley and I caught the flu so that has put us both down. The snuggling I'm getting from this warm 10 year old miracle sure puts the aches and pains to sleep.

The port surgery went awesome, and the site is healing, I'm bouncing back from the "chemo" and feeling like myself - ready to go out and dance on the tables :)

I just wanted to express to everyone that Dr. Sipahi and the nurses and staff of his office are great - they gave me plenty of information, and lots of the great care that they give everyone. A BIG thank you to them, as they make even the roughest roads smooth!

God's Blessings to you all - thank you :-)


Denise Houser said...

Gina~ I am glad to hear that overall you are doing ok. Nothing feels better than snuggling! I am ready to dance on the tables with you!! We can be Heather's back up dancers as she sings... that would be a sight, wouldn't it!?! LOVES IT! xoxo Denise

katie bates said...

Hi Gina!! My mom and I were just looking at your victory page and wanted to know how you were doing. We know that you're headstrong when it comes to fighting your cancer. You'll stay tough and get through this. We believe in you and care for you!!
Kelli Bates and family

Maureen said...

Hello I just wanted to let you know that the Bishop's are thinking of you all the time. We know you will get through this without a doubt///////////
Please let us know if there is anything that we can do to help so you can get all the rest you need.
Keep being strong and positive that wonderful attitude of yours and faith will get you through.
Love ya!
Maureen,Bill,Brittany and Brett
P.S. Brett placed second yesterday in the district free throw contest in Pontiac//We are soooooo proud//

gina said...

Denise, Katie, and Maureen,

Denise, back up dancers for Heather? That would be a sight, would we have to wear cowboy boots?

Katie, head-strong is one thing I am - especially against cancer. Like a rock baby!

Maureen, YOU and your family are always on my mind, I'm sooo lucky to have friends like you! YAHOO BRETT - I'm proud of ya boy!

Blessings to all of you!

Gina :)

APridemore said...

Gina, I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better. You are one of the strongest people that I have ever known. I think about you all the time. You are proof that if you fight hard enough and have faith, you can conquer the worst evils that life throws at you. Stay Strong! You are always in my thoughts and prayers!
Angie Pridemore

gina said...


Its nice to hear from you - been a very long time :)

Yes, faith, and will has a lot to do with getting better, I have plenty of both, add in the love of friends and family and evil doesn't stand a chance.

Thanks for the prayers, I truly believe in them.


Rhonda said...

Gina, We have not forgotten about you...I logged on for the first time in a couple months. You have been very busy it seems, getting well!!! I'm glad to hear Dr. Brockman did your port. He was great with us when I had my breast cancer. You know we are here if you need us. We had some family things going on in November and trying to get back in the swing of things, after the holidays. I will call you soon or just stop by. Take care and know you are always in our prayers! :)Rhonda and family

gina said...


Dr. Brockman was awesome, Dr. Peterson was my surgeon last time, and I can't say enough about both of them - and thier staff :)

I know about your family things, if you need anything please let us know, you were (and still are) in our prayers and thoughts...

Love ya! Gina

Lori said...


We are so glad to hear you are doing well. Keep snuggling!!!!There is no better cure!

Let me know when that dancin' on the tables begins-I don't wnat to miss it!

We love you and pray for you all everyday. Stay strong and keep the faith-

Lori S.

gina said...


You are a such an inspiration to me!

Round #2 of chemo is next week, so I'm getting out the boxing gloves! Ready & Waiting :)

Dancing is on hold at the minute, but I'll call you when its time..


angelize said...

Gina I Love you, you are an amazing women! Its hard to believe how much you've been through and still look like a million bucks!!!
All those years of good clean fun and having a wonderful relationship with God are paying off. I look forward to you placing the cuff's on cancer. Keep doing what your doing, its working (BELIEVE) love your sister