Gina Angela Mason

Gina Angela Mason
My Soulmate

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Meet the Girls at Dr. Sipahi's Office

TUE, SEPT 16th, 2008 - Another Round of Chemo

  • Visited Dr Sipahi office for Chemotherapy
  • Had Herceptin again and Dr Sipahi said also having Procrit & Zometa ("super glue" for bones) again 'cuz of leg pains where surgery was
  • Supposed to get Zometa every other Herceptin treatment (every six weeks), now changed to every three weeks
  • Dr. Sipahi going to check with dr Schwartz to see if more radiation can be done to leg but thinks maxed out doseage already
  • Gina's HFS (Hand, Foot Syndrome) which is caused by the Xeloda is VERY painful lately - hands and feet very red, swollen and starting to crack! 8(
  • Going to order more scans after the next Herceptin chemo on October 7th to see progress of the Xeloda and Herceptin is having

Cross your fingers, bow your head and help me to ask GOD for good news that my wife Gina will be cure! I pray to GOD every day in my heart that he will give me the rest of my life with her.

Thanks to all those who have been supporting us through the months, past, present and future, and keep on praying for the day we hear She is all cured! 8)


Rhonda said...

We think of you and are praying for you and your family every day

gina said...

Thank you Rhonda! We think of you and your family often too.. :)


and Riley said hi!

Deanna and Eddie said...

hey Gina!! just wanted to say Hi and see the new news!!! hope to see you this weekend at the Homecoming festies!!! love ya girl

Phyllis Smothers said...

Hey Mason Family, You are all in my prayers on a daily basis and the prayers of my church family, as well. Can you believe that I have a little guy in my classroom that reminds me of Riley? Not as cute though! Love and prayers,

Lori said...

Hey Gina!
Hang in there. We keep you in our prayers everyday.
Lori S.

gina said...

Hi Deanna & Eddie,

It was great to see you guys spraying silly string on the boys at Homecoming, I believe they thought it was great too!

Mrs. Smothers,

What a wonderful feeling to see your name! You gave Riley one of the greatest things in school - A HEAD START!! Hopefully the child you have in your class that reminds you of Riley isn't as "active" as my lil boy...I love him like crazy no matter how "active" he is :)

LORI S. !!

You have really been on our minds, hope all is going as well as possible for you ~ please let me know if you need anything ~ at anytime. I also hope you felt some of the angels in heaven holding you up - we sure did a lot of praying for you and your family to have faith and strength. :)



Lori said...

Thank you Gina. I would never had made it without those angels and all your prayers. Our faith is all we ever really have. God has blessed us with so many wonderful, praying friends. Know my family keeps you and yours in our prayers everyday. You have been a tremendous inspiration to me. One of my dear frinds just sent me this verse:

"God is our safe place and our strength. He is always our help when we are in trouble. So we will not be afraid, Even if the earth is shaken and the mountains fall into the center of the sea. And even if its waters go wild with storm and the mountains shake with its action."
Psalm 46:1-3

Our earth has been shaken and we are in the storm, but He is our safe place and our strngth.

Love you-

Lori S.

gina said...

Lori S.

Thank you for sharing that Psalm with me ~ how fitting! He is our Same place and he DOES give us strength.

Gina :)

gina said...

OPPS I meant safe!! Guess I should proof read :)

Maureen said...

hello, i just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you and praying for you all daily. I feel in my heart that God will have you cured and be cancer free!!
I am so glad that i have the privilage of seeing you daily Mon-Friday when school is in. Brett started blushing if you can believe
that when i told him you have a picture of him in his booty shorts.
Take care and do not hesitate to call me if you need anything at all. Love ya lots!
Maureen,Bill,Brittany and Brett

gina said...

Hi Maureen,

Just so Brett can really blush - let him know his picture made it to the refridgerator -along side the kids best school projects! LOL :)

I love seeing your bright and smiling face every morning...You partner's smiling face too. :)

I'm back to teaching R.E. at St. Joes, boy does it do the soul good to see "God" through the eyes of little ones!


Sheryl said...

My name is Sheryl Olsen and I do Virginia's hair when she needs it done at the Patio Salon. I just wanted to tell you Bob how very sorry to hear about Gina. I pray for her everyday. I lost a husband 15 years ago to cancer and I know what your going through. I also pray for you and your family to get peace from all this. I support the Relay by walking and also by Line Dancing for some of the entertainment. It's such a needed cause. I pray that some day they will find a cure for this awful awful disease. Also, I wanted to say what a lovely blog you have and GOD BLESS YOU.